Love is in the air here at Array! We’re gearing up for a holiday filled with candy, flowers, and babysitters, with a nice dinner on the side: it’s Valentines Day! Love comes in many different forms and our team is filled with different ideas of what love means to them.

The perfect Valentine’s Day would be…

Cathy: “A date night with my husband – those are hard to come by with the baby! Or maybe just a full, uninterrupted night of sleep!

Shawn: “Take out dinner with my wife at home away from the Valentine’s Day dinner crazies. Kids in bed sleeping.”

Ian: “Going out for Sushi the day before to avoid the crowds.”

Candy we LOVE

Kim: “Ice Cubes…it’s chocolate! No really, look it up.”


Ian: “Reese’s Pieces” “No, I meant Reese’s Cups! I hate Reese’s Pieces… I just call them that!”

Matt: “Pretzel M&Ms!”

My favorite flower is…

Cathy: “I don’t really have a favorite flower… I’ll take any that are sent my way ;)”

Kim: “Jasmine, THAT beautiful fragrance”

Dawn: “Hyacinth”

Grab the popcorn & wine, and hope for a happy ending – It’s our favorite Rom-Com movies!

Shawn: “Any Denzel Washington movie. That’s as sappy as I get.”

Ian: “When Harry Met Sally. (Shut up Shawn!)”

Dawn: “There’s Something About Mary -or- Pretty Woman”


Cat v Dog

Kim: “Um, catdog?”

Tara: “Definitely dogs. My pup Zoe is my furbaby.”

Matt: “*opens wallet to show off cats* << Yea, it’s that serious.

Not really… but they’re awesome. (I like dogs too)”

Jewelry that makes you shine:

Cathy: “My mother and child necklace. My husband bought it for me last mother’s day, which turned out to be 3 days before my daughter was born.”

Shawn: “My fossil watch is the only jewelry I wear besides the mandatory wedding ring.”

Tara: “Anything with Opal (my birthstone) or Turquoise”

Whether you’re indulging in a romantic dinner or trying to dodge the kids for a night. We hope you have a great weekend with your loved ones. From our family to yours – Happy Valentine’s Day from Array!


Images courtesy of abcnews and Panerai World