Author: insivia

Launch Kits Are Creating Buzz

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In 2020 we’re introducing new ways to connect clients with their target audience, and that often means thinking outside of the box – or creating one! What better way to […]

Merchandising Strategies: How to Accelerate Sales!

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Merchandising is constantly evolving to cater to the ever-changing preferences of consumers. In the ‘Digital Age’ it has tremendous influence over how a brand is perceived, who receives branded advertisements, […]

Old to New: Our Logo Redesign Process

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Logos. Small but mighty, they have a huge responsibility as they visually encompass who your company is to the world. A design can achieve many things, such as represent the […]

How-To Build a Great Company Culture

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culture (n.) | \ˈkÉ™l-chÉ™r \ | cul·ture | — the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization. At first glance it sounds simple, […]

Success Begins with Giving Back

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At Array, we help each client put their best foot forward. Whether by creating a package design, assisting with a rebrand or planning social media content — we build success […]

Team Bio – Becca

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    Born in small town Louisville, Ohio, Becca is a grad from the University of Akron with BBA’s in Marketing Management and Integrated Marketing Communications. She’s dabbled in all […]